Mondavi Center, Studio Theatre, Davis, February 15 - 25, 2007
Complexity Addicts
CounterPULSE, San Francisco, March 2-3, 2007
Inhale space. Feel it permeate your tissues. Take a wild ride through inner landscapes that spiral and (dis)organize space as 144 characters collide, weaving chaos and harmony. Emotional gymnastics in 3-D. Acrobatic, sensual movement, and interactive sets explode from Rudolf Laban's Space Harmony and sacred geometry.
February 15 - 25 in Davis, CA
March 2 - 3 at 8:00 pm in San Francisco, CA
Studio Theatre, Mondavi Center, Davis, CA as part of SHARE, a shared MFA thesis concert with choreographer Keith Hennessy.
CounterPULSE, 1310 Mission St. @ 9th, San Francisco, CA 94103
Davis show:
$13 advance / $14 door adults; $9 advance / $10 door students & children
(Preview: $10 adults, $6 students & children)San Francisco show:
General -- $12 advance / $15 at the door
CounterPULSE Members --$10MEDIA CONTACT:
Davis: Erie Vitiello, Publicity Director
UC Davis Department of Theatre & Dance
(530) 752-5863 or epvitiello@ucdavis.eduSan Francisco: Hilary Bryan
(510) 601-9863 or
Hilary Bryan in Complexity Addicts. Photo by Ian Winters.
Click above photo for its high resolution version
Complexity Addicts, Ego Alter, and Sacred Spaces will be performed as part of SHARE, a shared MFA thesis concert with choreographer Keith Hennessy
Click flyers for full-size versions
Complexity Addicts, San Francisco, CA
These works will also be performed in March at CounterPULSE in San Francisco
Click flyers for full-size versions
Alice Vasquez in Ego Alter by Hilary Bryan. Sam Tanng in Ego Alter by Steve Bonnel.
Hilary Bryan in Complexity Addicts by Ian Winters. Hilary Bryan in Complexity Addicts by Ed Mecham.
Sam Tanng in Ego Alter by Steve Bonnel.
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